Swim Day and Oranges and Betty Boop

January 22 2018:

Homeschool swim day!!!

So thankful to those who have arranged this!! Northern Nevada Home Schools!!! xoxo

Carson Valley Swim Center 1.23.18 #1 Carson Valley Swim Center 1.23.18 #2 Carson Valley Swim Center 1.23.18 #3 Carson Valley Swim Center 1.23.18 #4

January 25 2018:

Who else loves a good and juicy orange??? One of my favorite fruits at this time of year. Love them so much I’ve been known to eat three in one day!!! Yum!!! 🍊 👅… xoxoxo

Orange 1.25.18

After I posted this on facebook, a friend posted this about the color orange:

“Orange is the color of creativity and sexuality. The color Orange is the color of joy, enthusiasm and creativity and promotes a general sense of wellness. Orange stones increase and aid personal power, self-esteem and confidence.”


And I say, “This is great!!” I have to admit I find eating an orange incredibly sensual! HA! This description is perfect … Joy and Enthusiasm too!! xoxo


January 26 2018:

And last night after the wonderful Chay Drol Healing Ceremony in South Lake Tahoe with the Gaden Shartse Monks, I just had to stop and ask Betty Boop, “Girl, aren’t you cold?” And, she replied, “Naw honey. I’ve got an internal fire that keeps me warm year ’round!” Wheeee!! xoxo

Camilla with Betty Boop 1.26.18 #1

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