The Book Flew to Deventer, The Netherlands – Where Would You Fly

February 14 2018:

Ben het boek “Where would you fly” aan het lezen. Geschreven door Lilian Darnell tussen haar 4e en 14e jaar.

Ik hoop dat ze het park mooi vind waar het boek heen vloog met hulp van haar moeder Camilla Downs.

Reading the book “Where would you fly” written by Lilian Darnell between the ages of 4 and 14.

Hope she enjoys the park in Deventer, The Netherlands where the book flew to with the help of her mom Camilla Downs.

I’m reading the book ” where would you fly Written by Lilian Darnell between her 4th and 14th year.

I hope she likes the park where the book flew with help from her mother Camilla downs.

Where Would You Fly Book The Netherlands 2.14.18

Want your own copy of Where Would You Fly? Go here … …. Thank you!

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