Making Decisions from a Place of Love


December 18 2015:

This morning’s theme from a client session had to do with acting and making decisions from a place of love, rather than a place of fear. This sounds simple on the surface. Upon stopping and accessing decisions and choices made, it’s easier to see that we do make some decisions from a place of fear. It’s actually a slight shift, the decision made may even be the same whether it’s made from a place of fear or love. However, the effects internally can be drastic.

I’ll use myself as an example. I have made the choice for myself and family to eat organic, non-gmo foods without artificial ingredients and low to no processed sugar. Have I made this choice due to my fear of illness, disease, and weight issues or have I made this choice because I love and enjoy this body and want to nourish it in the best way possible? The root of how this decision is made matters. It matters tremendously. The success of a decision hinges on whether or not it is made from a place of love or fear.

Another example: Am I accepting this job or this work because I fear having no money or am I accepting it because I am passionate about it and I know it’s my purpose to do this? This can be applied in relationship decisions also. This is not to say that one suddenly make the shift to making all decisions from a place of love and not fear. It’s enough to simply stop and note the root of the decision. And if you feel moved to make this shift for yourself, start small. Make it easy so that you can successfully shift to making all decisions from a place of love. xoxo

So grateful I get to share of myself in this way. When I meet with a client, I set the intention that the session will unfold organically and what needs to be said and shared will come forth. We message ahead of the meeting to know 1 – 3 areas to be discussed. During the session I ask questions and offer thoughts and techniques relating to mindfulness and emotional connection. Good stuff!!!

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