Rocks and Tents and Picnics

April 10 2013:

Last Friday I had a respite (sitter) here with Thomas and Lillian while I attended a training. Thomas tells me this morning that she wouldn’t let them bring their rocks inside. (Oops!! Forgot to tell her that we’re kinda DIFFERENT! We’ve got rocks in drawers, counters and shelves!! And, sometimes even in the beds!)

He says they had to sneak them in when she went to the bathroom. Mr. T hid his in his socks! Come to think of it, she was a little surprised to see a full size tent in the middle of the living room! Team TLC is showing her a different view indeed!


GREAT day at home cleaning, picking up and picnic lunch outside … Look who came walking by to say “hey” .,,The Romano Duo!! Full of gratitude on this beautiful, blissful day!!


Lillian’s turn to cook tonight … Pasta, french fries, brussel sprouts and carrots for me, french fries, turkey burger, bread, carrots and pear for her and french fries, bread, turkey burger, pasta and banana for Thomas! YUM!!!

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