January 8 2017:
We’ve moved on to the next step! Perfect for the cleansing nature is processing right now with this rain.
Looking for words and pictures to capture our hearts desire for 2017. xoxo
January 10 2017:
On to the next step …. Making art of our 2017 hearts desire. Once we’re all done, I’ll create a blog post with more detailed information.
We each create our own and we create a Team TLC vision. This year my theme is “The Shift”, my two theme words are “Knowing” and “Allowing”, and my anchor is “Writing”. This feels amazing!
January 14 2017:
Completed the art version of my 2017 Heart’s Desire … Feels incredibly powerful.
The theme for 2017 is “The Shift” (I deeply feel this does not solely apply to me as I feel there is to be a collective shift.)
The two words for 2017 are “Knowing” and “Allowing”. Knowing is comprised of Spirituality, Meditation, and Mindfulness. Allowing is comprised of allowing my good from expected and unexpected sources.