August 15 2012:
Well, Good Golly, look what I came home to find in my email??? GREAT evening hanging out with my eWomenNetwork friends and now this … I go to sleep a grateful and blessed woman y’all! Night! Night! Thank YOU to who ever nominated me!!!
Via my surprise email: “I am thrilled to announce your acceptance as one of the 100 most influential people of Reno/Tahoe within the Extraordinary category! The Plum100 is an event powered by a movement to re-brand Reno both internally and externally in a way that brings out the true nature of this region.
The Plum100 celebration theme is an Eve of a New Era. A new era of how people perceive the area and by bringing our best and brightest (you) together in one great celebration.” WOW!!!! Thanks Ashley Graham for the email tonight!!!!