July 14 2014:
Bowling for Team TLC today! We only go once or twice a year so we’ve got no clue what we’re doing!
This is so nostalgic for me. I used to go once a week with my cousins when I was in high school as my Aunt Carolyn was in a league. We had so much fun goofing off while she bowled!
Bowling this afternoon with Thomas and Lillian. Complete with me falling on my behind cause I went over the foul line, coming home to a big storm and the electricity being out for about 2 hours, and ending with a great walk with both Thomas and Lillian.
A beautiful, grounding walk where we watched clouds and the colors of the sky and threw leaves in the wind to watch them blow. I tucked two happy little people into bed tonight.
Such little things can mean the world. And, in my opinion, ARE the world. Sweet dreams y’all. I’ve had 3 nights of not sleeping well. I’m gonna sleep like a baby tonight! xoxo