October 4 2013:
I’m so grateful for laughter …
Lillian wanted me to figure out “the code” she had just shared with me. I had no idea what she had said. After a few minutes I finally got that she was saying “What is the first word” ..
So, I said “What is the first word”. We went round and round saying that to each other with her frustration mounting. After some release laughter on my part and some scalding by Lillian that I could not hear, we finally got it clear (somewhat). She was saying What is the first word but she also wanted me to guess what the first word of the code was …
I thought she was telling me that “What” was the first word .. And it was … Clear as mud, right? Reminded me of that whole “Who’s on first base?” scene. Hot diggity dog, I’m gosh darn grateful for laughter …