September 27 2013:
Thomas says he’s so full from lunch and so full of HappYness that he’s not hungry! Says he is so full of happy from our “weird” day! HA!
Finally leave the house at about 1:00 for some lunch, get to the place and they only take cash or check. Okay. So we head to a different place and we are all so hungry we eat absolutely EVERYTHING we ordered! Then go next door for gigantic gluten free cupcakes! Then stop at the Atlantis for the NCET Entrepreneur Expo where Thomas and Lillian get to meet tons of people who know them from facebook! HA!
As we are leaving one of the exhibitors gives Lillian two gigantic bundles of balloons! Thought she was gonna float away! That was interesting stuffing those in my car too! YES! That was a kinda weird day Thomas and I’m so blessed that it added to your HappYness! Now, for dinner! We are all so full I’m only making homemade garlic fries … and .. that’s … IT! Let’s hear it for DIFFERENT days!