March 2 2012: Vegas and Ice Cream and Hula Hoops

Here’s the little dude heading out the door for Vegas with the grandparents. He was so excited.

Lunch stop on the way to Vegas. What’s for lunch? Ice cream of course. When they got to Vegas Thomas said that he had so much fun riding in the car on the way there. Grandpa Frank says, “I didn’t!”

Lillian and I made a trip to Walmart for some much needed groceries and things. Little lady wanted to play around with a hula hoop. Why not?

She decided to use some of her Christmas money to get that fun blue hula hoop. Got Thomas a yellow one too.

I treated myself to a yummy massage this afternoon and then Lillian and I headed home as I have a cold coming on. Been going, going, going a bit too much and not getting enough sleep. It’s rest for me this weekend except for a short trip to the library on Saturday!


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