Continue by Camilla Downs

Bowers Mansion Tree with Poem March 2017


Create what is in your heart.
Share it with others.
You are coming home. 
Yes, you are.
You may take detours,
Yet, you are on your way.
Listen to the voice of nature,
the voice of the divine.
I will not lead you astray.

You successfully live
as a human on this beautiful
Mother Earth when you
share and create from the heart.
That is love. It is good.
My voice arises
from the heart.
All that I am is Good.
All that I am is Love.
You are Good.
You are Love.
You are. I am.

Quiet the voice
of the lower self.
The more you practice
the easier it will become.

The magical day will dawn
when the lower self falls
victim to the
Divine love
which is you.

Place focus in the heart.
Go forth from this divine space.
Release the voice of the ego.
Continue dear one.
And know that
You are never judged
And always loved.
I love you.
~2017 Camilla Downs, Lessons from Nature

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