Those Who Challenge Us


November 10 2015:

This morning I found myself sending an email message that began with this:

“My philosophy is that those who challenge us should be seen as welcome teachers to further our own growth. For this reason I am grateful for having these students ebb and flow into my life. They teach me as much or more than I teach them.”

My intuition immediately after sending this, coupled with the timing of beginning a conversation I’ve put off since July 2014, was that the timing was right to publish this post written just over a month ago ….. “How to Peacefully Experience Life’s Lessons” …

May it appear in front of the ones that will benefit from it. And, should you feel moved, I would be grateful for good thoughts and prayers that I remain at peace and in the present moment for this upcoming conversation. Oceans of gratitude to YOU! xoxo 

How to Peacefully Experience Life’s Lessons

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