December 27 2018:
What a wonderful day this shall be! And, how lucky can one gal be? Two writer friends visiting from The Netherlands within 3 months of one another!
My writer friend, Jessica Araus, has arrived in Reno! She and her partner are from The Netherlands and this is her first time to the United States.
They’ve been having a beautiful time exploring California and now for Reno and the magical Lake Tahoe! We get to exchange hugs and face to face smiles this afternoon! xoxo (Beautiful sign displayed at South Meadows Great Full Gardens)
This was such an incredible visit. Even though my hands got frozen during our walk, my heart burned with warmth.
What a blessing to spend the afternoon with Jessica Araus and Marten. Jessica and I met in an online (Facebook) writers group. She and Marten are here from The Netherlands and it is their first time visiting America.
I could have chatted with the two of you all night long. What a gift you two are! My heart is incredibly full. 🙏💙💙💙🙏
Had to have a photo shoot for the amazing goodies Jessica brought to us from The Netherlands.
We learned about Sinterklaas and their tradition of the tree going up on December 6th and coming down on January 6th. And the tradition of gifting a sweet treat in the shape of the recipients first initial of first name, along with a poem.
Cannot wait to try this tea!! I love Yogi brand tea; but this flavor is not sold in the US.
The beautiful maxi dress is from Jessica’s online shop, Dressaraz. Although based in Groningen, The Netherlands, her clothing shop supports local Mexican artisans. Each piece is handcrafted in Mexico.
Thank you so very much Jessica!! So much love to you!! 💝💝💝
A few more from Jessica’s visit. Marten took the one of us walking. Sneaky guy! I’m pretty sneaky too! As I got one of him taking photos! Heehee!