March 5 2020
Tag Archives: camilla downs writer
Massive Sky Art with Beautiful Wild Horses
February 1 2020
Sky Art from this morning. My eyes cannot even consume, digest, comprehend the beauty, the serenity, the grace. 🙏♥️
February 2 2020
Yesterday’s sky art showing …. This cloud was so massive that I couldn’t get it all in one frame. It stayed nearly in the same position all day long. 💙
February 4 2020
The afternoon walk. Gorgeous and quiet. Had to stop in the middle of the road on the drive home as a family of wild horses crossed. Most times they use the crosswalk. They getting all wild n crazy. Ha! My phone had gone dead so no photo.
February 6 2020
Afternoon walk with Thomas …. Went back to visit our old stomping grounds. Still beautiful. ♥️♥️♥️
Words of Alchemy Proof Arrived in a Cosmic Way
December 13 2019:
Got the proof book about 10 minutes ago! I open the package and see it for the first time with all of YOU! Never mind how tired I look, or that I nearly cried when I saw it. YAY!!! It’s here!!! It’s here!! Deeply grateful!
December 14 2019:
Carolyn R Smith! Look what I found on page 42! Love you! 💗💗💗
Thank you Thomas for taking photos of me with the proof book. Nearly done reading it and all is looking great! Plus, a blooper photo showing my favorite shoes … bare feet! HA! It’s looking like the launch of the book will be this coming week!
Camilla’s Dad: Robert Downs and Siblings
December 14 2019:
My daddy and his siblings. He’s the 2nd from left in both photos. Thanks to my cousin, Stephanie, for posting these!
from Stephanie … “Top picture left to right! Millard Downs, Robert Downs, Carol Russell and Mary Armstrong! Bottom from left to right is Mary,Robert,Carol and Miilard!”
Throwback Post: Under the Weather as Love is Spread with a Windy and Beautiful Walk
The Sparkly, Shiny, Mindful Christmas Tree of 2019
December 4 2019:
Spent late afternoon until just now getting decorations out. Tree is up, need more lights before we decorate it. Learned this morning that we will be in the temporary place until beginning of January. Huge thank you to Frank and my brother for driving from Dayton to help me unbury the Holiday decorations and find the tree.
December 7 2019:
Finally got the tree decorated last night, sans the topper as we need a new one. We were without internet from 4:30 yesterday afternoon until about 30 minutes ago. It was an opportunity to focus on other tasks and creativity for me, with a huge opportunity for Lillian as this was a disruption to her normal schedule. Minus a few rough patches, she handled it pretty good, even asking me to tell her a story last night. That hasn’t happened in years. Felt good, for all of us.
Fun decoration photos. Can’t help myself ….
December 12 2019:
Finally got the advent calendars up. Thomas and Lillian made these about 10 years ago. Each day has a quote of special meaning and a mindful activity from my Mindful Christmas Countdown. Plus, they get their choice of a yummy treat.
December 14 2019:
Figured out a topper for the tree! Our star broke last year. We already had the Santa hat, plus, it’s fun! Lillian and I had the idea about the same time so I knew it was to be.
Throwback Post: May 2013 Thomas and Camilla Date Day
May 25 2013:
First stop on the Thomas/Camilla May date day …. Picnic in the park, relaxing, badminton and playing!!
Second stop on the Thomas/Camilla May date day!!! Using our imaginations and having a ball … This place is the exact opposite of simplicity …. It’s a FUN place to play though!!!
Comforted by the Loving Touch
November 27 2019:
I’m thankful for the beautiful, sparkly, feel good blanket of snow this morning. It’s lovely to have reminders from Mother Nature of the beauty of life, being comforted by the loving touch only she can deliver. Here’s a photo at our temporary place, of the snow covered patio and the wonderful view.
Throwback Post – Thanks for the Company and Dinner With The Romano Duo
May 11 2015
Stopped by Great Basin Community Food Coop this afternoon to get a chunk of solid cocoa butter and had a great time chatting with the person who checked me out. As I was leaving, he said, “Thanks for the company.” … I like that. Have never heard that before. Yet, that’s what we were doing .. keeping each other company for a few minutes talking about eating good fats! Spreadin it!
May 24 2015:
Hey y’all! Had our first dinner with The Romano Duo last night … Homemade lasagne … YUM!! They always bring little gifts for us and this wall plaque was one of mine. Cool y’all!!