September 16 2015:
Yummy dinner, yummy walk. Made pumpkin soup and spinach fettuccine with yellow squash and broccoli. Then we went for a walk and as we were walking Thomas says, “This is fun!” I loved hearing that. xoxo
September 27 2015:
Morning walk with Thomas .. Awesome! Was not feeling good when I woke up this morning. Laid on the couch and went back to sleep. When Thomas woke up he put a blanket on me, got me a pillow, and set my books beside me. Then he took a picture of me sleeping .. Said I looked so cute. HA! Blessed beyond words that we chose one another as mom n son.
October 10 2014:
Such a wonderful, beautiful, inspiring walk this afternoon with Thomas and Lillian .. Look at the amazing sky … I think it pairs well with this song which was in a movie we watched before our walk. Great song, great message, GREAT Life! “Don’t go with your song still inside you” -Song Inside
October 8 2015:
Sunset picnic dinner by the lake.
As I was getting everything ready, I was thinking, “Geez. This is too much work.” Had more of those thoughts as I was pulling the cart to the other side of the lake. And even more of those thoughts as my food was being hovered over by a bee.
But then nature created an amazing, colorful, art show in the sky. The art show along with seeing Thomas sitting on a big rock reading his book, and Lillian’s excitement completely erased those feelings. Yep. It was worth it. xoxo