What Advice Would I Give for Writing Poems – Interview on Shaz’s Book Blog

March 14 2020

Thank you to wonderful book blogger, Sharon, for having me on her beautiful blog … I’d be incredibly grateful for you to check it out, if you have the time … Each one of these amazing bloggers is asking such thoughtful and different questions ..

” …. What advice would you give to someone who would like to try writing poems?

I’m not sure I’m one to hand out advice on writing poetry, since my experience was quite different. Except to say, if you want to write a specific style of poetry, to read as many books of poetry in that style as you can get your hands on. Read them until they soak through to your very core, until you’re sweating, bleeding, crying, laughing poetry of that style. HA! Whether you want to write free-verse or a specific style, write daily … ”

The Attraction of Poetry – An Interview on Shaz’s Book Blog



For Whom Do I Write

March 10 2020

Thank you to Colin for his time and thoughtfulness with this interview .. 🙏💚💚💚🙏

” …. I think I know the answer to this one, but do you write to please your readers or to please yourself?

I began writing for myself, so it follows that the books I’ve published contained writings that were for my own benefit. I have openly shared most of my writings since about 2008 and the feedback received is what encouraged me to pursue publishing.

Although I have stepped back and am taking time off from writing, up until the end of 2019, my writings have been from my heart, an intuitive knowing that I could not possibly stop from flowing. I would sit to write and the words would simply flow, at times flowing so fast I could hardly “catch” all of them before they disappeared. I am still sporadically journaling in the mornings, yet, I’ve allowed myself to step back to focus on family issues, market my latest book, and to spend time on rejuvenating myself. Over the past 6 years, I have gone through deep healing by connecting with buried emotions and events from my past. It was completely worth it, yet deeply exhausting …. ” Go here to read the full interview …



Is There Something Special I Do Before Mailing a Book – Camilla Interview on Meeting the Authors

March 7 2020

Here it is …. Today we travel to Reno, Nevada, USA to chat with Camilla Downs about how a Swedish actress, going for walks, chromosome deletions, tiny house living, a construction company, being a paralegal, nature photography, Scooby Doo, and tenacity come together to form the ingredients for the alchemy of Camilla’s life.

Is there something special you do with your book before sending it to a reader?

I personalize each book with a hand written message, at times including a special message within the book. It’s always a little different. Sometimes it’s a handwritten message on a small card, others it’s a micro short poem or message created from the words of a book destined for the trash.

In addition to that, I offer readings from the book via telephone. I’m happy to do this one on one or on speakerphone to a book club (or in person if you are in the Reno/Tahoe/Sparks surrounding area). This is done at no charge and I’m happy to have discussions after the reading. If interested … Go here to read the full interview …

Meet the Author: Words of Alchemy by Camilla Downs

Amy at Trader Joe’s – Thank YOU While Making an Appearance in Norwich Nights With a Tree

February 15 2020

Thank you to Amy at Trader Joe’s for buying one of my books. She has asked about it, kept track of the progress from the beginning to end. Grateful for her interest and support! If you’ve finished reading your copy, a review on Amazon would be amazing … Deep gratitude … xoxo

March 4 2020

Thank you to Melissa of Norwich Nights Magazine for the spotlight of Words of Alchemy! I hope you take a moment to check out the magazine! xoxo



March 7 2020

I’m having much fun with creating the short and sweet messages hidden within each book to be mailed. Completely driven by creativity, imagination, and listening to the heart. Another round of books being mailed on Monday to those who’ve preordered and those just now ordering. Please let me know if you’d like your own copy of a personalised, signed book ….. 🌺💚💚💚🌺


First Two Shipments Have Arrived and Flying to the UK By Way of Cookie Heaven – Words of Alchemy

January 4 2020

Guess what arrives next week? The first two shipments! Who else would like one?

January 6 2020:

Just received the first shipment! I’m ready to personalize, sign, and mail these beauties! Who’s in?

January 9 2020:

A bowl of tomato soup at GreatFull Gardens. The perfect lunch to accompany chatting with you Gerry Foster McCarroll! May you enjoy the book! Thanks for the support. 💜💜💜

January 13 2020:

It was a great day to mail a book to the UK. Along with getting caught up with nearly all books ordered to date. It’s funny how the really long, slow moving line at the post office doesn’t bother you as much when you’re mailing your book to readers!

I’ll be making another trip to the post office near the end of the week or early the following week. Let me know if you’d like to be included in that mailing. Overflowing thanks to all! 🙏❤️

January 16 2020:

Making a trip to the post office tomorrow morning. Got one headed to cookie heaven by way of Heidi’s Heavenly Cookies in Georgia, that’s some sweet alchemy, there! And bunches headed to warmer weather in Pensacola, Florida! I’ve got new material to create the fun little messages hidden inside the books, too. Can’t wait to be creative tomorrow morning! Let me know if you’d like a personalised, signed copy sent your way. ❤️❤️❤️

January 18 2020

Has anyone received your book yet? Hope they are arriving with the TLC they were packaged with!

Placing a Second Order – Words of Alchemy

December 22 2019:

Moving day approaching …. Again! We finally get to move into our unit on Friday, 12.27. We have definitely enjoyed the lovely view from this temporary place. Yet, we are more than ready to be able to unpack, put things on the walls, curtains up, and make our place into our home.

It’s going to be wild unpacking things that have been packed for about 2 years! I’m positive I’ll be doing a bit of purging! Maybe Thomas and Lillian will join me.

With that approaching, I’m placing a second order of books tomorrow and both orders should arrive not too long after we get moved. The timing is aligning perfectly, as we’ll be done with the final move and I can sit down and concentrate on personalizing and signing the books! Let me know if you want to be included in this round of ordering.

December 28 2019:

I’ve placed the second order and received the first pre-order for a personalised, signed book for a lovely person in the UK. Considering that it costs nearly double the cost of the book to ship to the UK, it is a wonderful compliment and show of support. Should be receiving the first 2 orders in the first 2 weeks of January.

The Poetry of Nature – I DID IT

December 15 2019:

Just finished reading a great book. Am I prejudice? Maybe a wee bit. All looks good and it’s a go. Should launch this week!

It’s kinda weird. I’m reading along and thinking, “Oh, that’s good. This author speaks to my soul.” And, then, I’m like, “Oh. That’s me.” HA!

Here’s praying and setting intentions that more than 10 people buy the book. Deep gratitude to the few that have pre-ordered!! The poetry of Nature, the poetry of healing, the poetry of appreciation, the poetry of Love … All in one beautiful book!

December 18 2019:

Pressed the publish button today! I’ll be placing the first order in a day or two. If you’d like a personalized, signed one, let me know! I DID IT … Again! Thank you to all for the love and support!

December 21 2019:

Placed the first order yesterday, placing another today or tomorrow. Wahoo! They could possibly arrive on December 31st. What a GREAT start to the New Year that would be! Official launch will be in beginning to mid January.

Words of Alchemy Proof Arrived in a Cosmic Way

December 13 2019:

Got the proof book about 10 minutes ago! I open the package and see it for the first time with all of YOU! Never mind how tired I look, or that I nearly cried when I saw it. YAY!!! It’s here!!! It’s here!! Deeply grateful!

December 14 2019:

Carolyn R Smith! Look what I found on page 42! Love you! 💗💗💗

Thank you Thomas for taking photos of me with the proof book. Nearly done reading it and all is looking great! Plus, a blooper photo showing my favorite shoes … bare feet! HA! It’s looking like the launch of the book will be this coming week!


Words of Alchemy – Animated

November 20 2019:

Just a fun animated version to share!

Interested to have your own copy? Go here … https://camilladowns.com/books/words-of-alchemy/

Words of Alchemy – Back to the Book Designer and Kindle Version is Finished

November 3 2019:

Just sent the manuscript back to the book designer. A few more minor corrections. Fingers crossed that’s it! This is a ton of work ….. And …. So worth it!

November 9 2019:

The Kindle version is finished! The back cover is finished! Whew!! Should be getting the initial print version to review electronically in 3 or 4 days. My shoulders are loosening just writing this post! Hallelujah!! Including a sneak peek at one of the last pages of the book …. Thanks to everyone for the support, love, and encouragement!