February 15 2020
Thank you to Amy at Trader Joe’s for buying one of my books. She has asked about it, kept track of the progress from the beginning to end. Grateful for her interest and support! If you’ve finished reading your copy, a review on Amazon would be amazing … Deep gratitude … xoxo
March 4 2020
Thank you to Melissa of Norwich Nights Magazine for the spotlight of Words of Alchemy! I hope you take a moment to check out the magazine! xoxo
March 7 2020
I’m having much fun with creating the short and sweet messages hidden within each book to be mailed. Completely driven by creativity, imagination, and listening to the heart. Another round of books being mailed on Monday to those who’ve preordered and those just now ordering. Please let me know if you’d like your own copy of a personalised, signed book ….. 🌺💚💚💚🌺