Throwback Post: Stacks of Books Under Shade Trees with Good Food


July 30 2012:

Good morning y’all from San Antonio!! Monica Tello McDivitt saw Chad Templeton’s stack of books … said it brought a smile to her face ’cause she has a stack too!!! Thanks Monica for sharing ‘D iz for Different’ in your stack of books!! Hugs to you …. missing you at the C18 Conference!


July 30 2011:

Picnic in the park for Team TLC!! Nice big shade trees … YES!!


July 30 2010:

They even have rides at The Romano Casa!! The horsey tired out before I got my chance.


July 30 2009:

Just got home from a little eWn gals gathering to design & put together our special little boot badges we’re wearing at the conf in Dallas!! Reno eWn members ROCK!!! Wine, yummy food, fun & beautiful friends, laughter, being silly ~ what more could a girl ask for??

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