January 23 2023
I have amazing news to share. On Saturday we were gifted a vehicle! A friend’s neighbor hasn’t been able to drive her car for about a year. My friend explained to her what had happened to our car and asked how much she wanted for it.
My friend messaged me in tears to tell me that her neighbor wanted to gift me the car. 😭 Then I was in tears, too! 😭 I went to see her on Saturday. She would not accept any money from me and I came home in the gifted vehicle.
It’s taken me since Saturday to accept that this happened. You would think I would have been elated! However, I waxed and waned between feeling like I didn’t deserve this, being grateful for it, and thinking people would think I’d taken advantage of this beautiful, kind woman.
Thank you so much to everyone who shared encouraging thoughts, sent love and hugs, shared your stories, and who donated! It means the world!! 🥰😍🥰