November 7 2015:
Second flower planted in the Gratitude Garden. Thomas: food, our home, and pretzels. Lillian: relaxing, music, and home. Me: mom n frank, food and water, and our home. We’re really enjoying watching the flowers come together.
That Thomas is listening to the Thanksgiving Day Radio on Pandora with songs by Etta James, Louis Armstrong, and similar …. And he keeps jumping up to give a”thumbs up” to these songs. That just warms my heart and adds happiness and joy. Love, Love, Love!!! xoxoxo
November 7 2014:
Another peaceful yummy morning of sharing Reiki at Perfect Balance Therapies, LLC! Ahhhhh!!! Such a blessing to receive messages from my two Wednesday clients thanking me …. “significant change, feel better than a million bucks, magical” … Makes my eyes pool with sweat … xoxo
Let the Mama’s night off begin!! Thomas and Lillian just left with the Romano Duo for a sleep over. Every time they leave it sure feels like a piece of my heart is driving away … However, time for some uninterrupted ME time! YAY!!!!
November 7 2013:
Our beautiful sky this morning and tonight’s sunset …. I am compelled to step outside and capture the stunning beauty of nature and breathe in the love she so freely shares! xoxo
November 7 2012:
Lillian’s gratitude for today:
I’m thankful for my dress, my skirt and my long hair.
Thomas’ gratitude for today:
I’m grateful that we have food and love!
I’ll be at this event to benefit the Nevada Diabetes Association y’all! Hope to see some of my Reno friends there … Me and “D iz for Different” will be there with a smile and a hug!!
Fabulous Fashions Shop for Great Gifts and help a great cause.
Register on line at https://events.constantcontact.com/register/event…
November 7 2011:
Today I am thankful for Thomas hugs . . .