Biggest Little Photographer LIVE on the Radio

December 18 2016:

Did you know there’s a local and live radio show all about the newest books? There is indeed!! It’s the LRP Book Hound radio show!

Thomas and I were on the show live on Monday, 12.19, between 4-4:30 talking about Biggest Little Photographer!! OKCKQ 1180 AM in Reno, NV …. Live streaming at

We are so grateful to Jan for this opportunity and the entire crew at LRP for all they have done with bringing the book together. Oceans of thanks to everyone who has supported and cheered from the beginning and who continue to support Thomas’ creation! xoxo



December 19 2016:

Thomas was nervous to begin with, yet he got over that!! Went great and we had FUN!

Thomas and I were live this afternoon on OKCKQ 1180 AM in Reno, NV on the LRP Book Hound talking about Biggest Little Photographer ….

We are so grateful to Jan for this opportunity and the entire crew at LRP for all they have done with bringing the book together. Oceans of thanks to everyone who has supported and cheered from the beginning and who continue to support Thomas’ creation! xoxo

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