Thank You Thomas and Lillian

December 22 2016:


More getting caught up ….. For our November gratitude project we wrote letters of gratitude to our future selves, to one another to be mailed in the future, and a letter thanking someone to be delivered in person in the present moment.

I had done it all except the letter thanking someone. I wrote two!! Delivered Lillian’s last night. What a wonderful feeling! xoxo


I don’t know if I have ever truly thanked you for being my daughter. Thank you for choosing me to be your Mom.

Thank you for every card you have created for me. Thank you for sitting beside me, reading with me, and playing with my hair.

Thank you for every gift you have ever made for me. Thank you for helping around the house. Thank you for going on walks with me.

Thanks for going on dates with me. Thank you for being so kind when I’m sick. Thank you for watching movies with me. Thank you for going to the library with me. Thank you for going to parks with me.

Thank you for being on this “Living in a Tiny Home” adventure with me. Thanks for laughing with me and dancing with me. Thanks for taking pictures of nature with me.

Thank you for being the daughter I get to have while on this life adventure!!



I don’t know if I’ve ever thanked your for choosing me to be your Mom. Thank you for being my son, thank you for going on walks with me.

Thank you for reading with me, and sharing your knowledge with me. Thank you for going to the library with me. Thank you for loving nature as much as me.

Thank you for loving me. Thank you for helping around the house. Thank you for listening to mantra and meditation music with me. Thank you for dancing with me.

Thank you for the cards you make for me and thank you for all of the gifts you have created for me!

Thank you for sitting beside me. Thanks for holding my hand. Thank you for hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.

Thank you for being a part of this “Living in a Tiny Home” adventure. Thank you for BEing YOU. Thanks for being on this life’s journey with me!


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