December 13 2016:
Thank you Terry Torpet Vasenden for buying 10 copies of Biggest Little Photographer to be sold at Sierra Family Pharmacies, including Don’s Pharmacy!! He gets a spot right up front at the counter! Your kindness, friendship, and excitement were refreshing to experience this afternoon! xoxo
So far 5 local shops are selling Biggest Little Photographer … He’s getting around! Tomorrow is post office run day so if you planned on buying a book and want it mailed tomorrow, place your order by end of day today.

December 14 2016:
Biggest Little Photographer gets to travel to Bavaria, Germany tomorrow with Alexa! He will permanently reside there with her Photographer Uncle!!! We are so blessed to have had Alexa in our lives for this past year and a half. xoxo … (Alexa is the wonderful psychotherapist that we’ve been seeing to help Lillian with processing emotions. Today was our last session with her! We graduated!)

December 15 2016:
Thomas and I will be on the LRP Book Hound radio show live this coming Monday, 12.19, between 4-4:30 to talk about Biggest Little Photographer!! OKCKQ 1180 AM in Reno, NV and live streaming at….
We are so grateful to Jan for this opportunity and the entire crew at LRP for all they have done with bringing the book together. Oceans of thanks to everyone who has supported and cheered from the beginning and who continue to support Thomas’ creation! xoxo

December 16 2016:
Thank you Dave Asher at Buy Nevada First Gift Shop & Visitors Center!! Biggest Little Photographer looks amazing with all the other locally created souvenirs! It’s already time to re-stock! There’s only one left!
Thanks so much everyone!! Supporting another’s heart creation is indeed a blessing all the way around! xoxo