I was a bit perplexed. So … yes! This is a real, actual, published book. Thank you to everyone for your support and enthusiasm!!! xoxo
“I got the coolest package in the mail today. Just when I was getting homesick and missing the west coast this came at the perfect time. This book was created by the most amazing 8 year old I know who is the perfect example of determination and going after your dreams and he’s accomplished more in those 8 years then I ever will.
Thank you @camilladowns for warming my heart on this rainy Texas night. You all should check out his book at biggestlittlephotographer.com. This kid is going places and has a positive message to share.” – Gloria, Texas

November 7 2016:
Thank you Ms. Elyse for buying Biggest Little Photographer and supporting Thomas. And thank you Ms. Nicole for buying one too!!
Elyse was Thomas’ 4th grade teacher and Nicole was his 1st-3rd grade teacher. Such amazing, wonderful, and great people!!

November 8 2016:
Thank you Diana Beeghly Rovetti for your enthusiasm and support!!!! We are so grateful!!! xoxo

November 9 2016:
A chocolate toast ….. from all three of us: Here’s to receiving an order of 20 books from The Discovery Museum this afternoon and confirmation of the book signing date of November 26th from 2-4 …. one of THE busiest days of the year for them.
Here’s to food, to becoming a family of authors, to Lillian’s accomplishments … And here’s to being the light in the darkness. Love and light from Team TLC to you… xoxo

November 11, 2016:
Yesterday was a good day to mail more books!! Oceans of gratitude to everyone!! xoxo

November 11 2016:
This was waiting for me in the mail today! Thomas Darnell, an amazing 9 year old, started a 365 day photography project when he was 8!!! He is now a published author with his book titled, “Biggest Little Photographer.” With a passion for legos and a determination to go from “I can do it!” to “I did it!,” Thomas has accomplished an amazing feat!
Is there a child you want to inspire to go for their dreams?? Consider this book a wonderful Christmas gift idea! – Lois, Louisiana

November 12, 2016:
Received in the mail a few days ago …. This brought on more joyful and heart opening tears …. May it carry a beautiful message to you as well …
Dear Thomas,
Since your book arrived last week, I have read it a couple of times thru and also just looked at a few pages and smiled!
You certainly are to be commended for taking on and completing such a big project for an entire year! It is so lovely for you to have a dream come to fruition at your young age!
The quotes were just perfect and so appropriate!
The message for me is to not take life for granted. Your little photographer took pictures of the ORDINARY and made them EXTRAORDINARY thru his camera lens and your vision.
Congratulations and best wishes for your future … ~Patricia, California