The Romano Duo and Thank You Letters and Super Surprise

December 21 2016:

It’s been six months since I’ve been a night without Thomas in the house. He’s only around the corner, yet I miss his presence!

The Romano Duo arrived yesterday and we went to the lodge today so they could use the gift wrap station. Thomas is spending the night with them tonight. Lillian’s turn tomorrow night!!

with-the-romano-duo-12-21-16-1 with-the-romano-duo-12-21-16-2 with-the-romano-duo-12-21-16-3


December 22 2016:

More getting caught up ….. For our November gratitude project we wrote letters of gratitude to our future selves, to one another to be mailed in the future, and a letter thanking someone to be delivered in person in the present moment.

I had done it all except the letter thanking someone. I wrote two!! Delivered Lillian’s last night. What a wonderful feeling! xoxo



December 22, 2016:

Remember when I posted about how the strap on the Coach purse I’d had for 17 years broke?

Just received the most amazing love filled package.

Oceans of gratitude to Super Owen and his SUPER mom and dad …. Olivia Burella Hinden and Justin Hinden ….. Thank you for blessing us! So big and so much love to all of you!!!!! xoxo …. 🎄⛄️❄️💕🙏✌️💖💜💙💚


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