She Did It! The 2018 Chromosome Conference – Baltimore Maryland

Lillian faced many fears and had many firsts this year at conference. Each year, each conference she makes wonderful progress! Go Lillian Go!!

Not to mention a FIRST of selling and autographing her first published book!! Wahooo!!

Chromosome 18 Conference 2018 Baltimore Maryland 7.1.18 #60 Lillian signing books

July 2 2018:

Lillian just went out to eat with a group of friends. Alone. Like. Without me. FIRST TIME she has joined the self advocates doing anything! YES!!! Hallelujah!!

She typed her order in her phone before leaving so she can show it to the host. I put money in her name badge and texted her instructions for paying her bill after explaining verbally how to pay.

She’s worried. And keeps texting me. Yet, at least she finally took that first step! The hardest one! Wahoo!!

Lillian and Camilla May 2018 Date Day 5.22.18 #9

(This post received 242 likes/loves/wows and 142 comments on facebook. Deep gratitude for everyone cheering for Lillian!)

And the below post announcing the success received 121 likes/loves and 31 comments! Thank you everyone!

Chromosome 18 Conference 2018 Baltimore Maryland 7.2.18 #84

July 3 2018:

Here’s another first!! Lillian has never participated in the self advocate panel!!! Listening. A first step!! Wahooo!!!!

Chromosome 18 Conference 2018 Baltimore Maryland 7.3.18 #85 Lillian text about self advocate panel

July 6 2018:

Fear of escalators: We’ve always had to use the stairs or elevator when Lillian was with us in the past.

No longer! Lillian rode the escalator on Friday, the 29th, at the Reno-Tahoe Airport! She held tight to me and was worried. Yet, she did it! The ultimate goal is to ride the escalator without me beside her. Wahoooooo!!!!xoxo

Lillian Rode the Escalator Post 7.6.18

July 7 2018:

Another fear bites the dust. In the past Lillian has chosen to walk throughout the airport attached to my arm. Not the easiest for me while pulling a carry on bag plus her bag.

When we got to the airport in Baltimore readying to leave, I explained I needed her not to hold onto my arm and to just walk beside me.

After sighing, she said “Okay”. And did just that. Throughout the entire Baltimore, Vegas, and Reno airport!

PLUS! This included the HUGEST fear at the airport ….. The PBB. She walked through the passenger boarding bridge NOT attached to me!!! She stepped from the PBB into the airplane NOT attached to me AND walked the aisle of the airplane NOT attached to me!

Hallelujah!! Ahhhhhhh …. Freedom for both of us!!! (Picture from 2016 – Another first! First time catching air for a photo!)

Damonte Ranch Walk 9.13.16 #4

July 8 2018:

Okay. Here’s the last one …. For this time around … Thank you to everyone for celebrating in our joy of laying to rest some fears and for having many firsts!!

While in the airports on the way back home, Lillian went into the airport restrooms without me!! We went from the first traveling experiences all those years ago of having to travel with post it notes to cover up the automatic flush sensor, to going in alone!! Yes, Yes, Yes!!!

Much gratitude to our friends and family for celebrating these seemingly small, yet HUGE, accomplishments at 16 years old for Lillian!! Wahoooo!!!

Lillian South Valleys Library 9.13.17

3 thoughts on “She Did It! The 2018 Chromosome Conference – Baltimore Maryland

  1. All around me I see people who just won’t press into their fears or do things that they’ve never done before. Lillian inspires me with her courage and tenacity. Congratulations, Lillian for you continuing accomplishments!

  2. Pingback: Top 10 Digital Diary Entries for 2018 | Team TLC = Thomas, Lillian and Camilla

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