She’s a Member of a Rare Club and I Am Crazy

February 28 2019:

This spitfire is 1 in 56,0000! Missing the short arm of Chromosome #18. Honoring all who find themselves as part of this club on Rare Disease Day. Red for 18p- …. ❤️❤️❤️


That’s it. I’m one crazy lady. Lillian asked in December if we could take advantage of “free for locals” winter swimming at the Grand Sierra. Sure, we can do that.

For one reason or another we didn’t make it and today was the last day for the free swimming.

We first made our way to the Infinity pool. With wind gusting so hard we could hardly walk. That’s it in the last picture. I think I would have preferred 30 degrees and no wind as that’s what it felt like. Thank goodness the pool is heated. Needed my ear muffs though. Frozen ears!!!

You can tell by our smiles that it felt much better in the hot tub. It is protected from the winds by the hotel building and ahhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhh so warm.

One crazy a** adventure done!! Check. Lillian, please do not ask to do this next winter!! Hahaha! I’m glad we did it. We laughed. We smiled. Yet, I’m a “I’ve done it once, don’t need to do it again” adventure person.

Between this and the hour long walk this morning in the 25 mile an hour gusts, I’m ready for bed! Mother Nature packs a powerful workout! No gym needed!

I figured she wouldn’t last long!! (And, she didn’t) So, thought the little bit I’d be cold was worth it so she could experience this …. (and hopefully not want to ever do it again!!)

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