September 29 2019:
Walk before dinner. Leaves are changing colors, trees are shedding. So it begins.
October 7 2019:
From a walk yesterday. I adore the changing colors of the leaves.
October 7 2019:
Beautiful walk with Lillian this afternoon. Peaceful with beautiful colors, crows, blackbirds, and scarred trees to keep us company.
October 10 2019:
Went for a walk with Thomas yesterday afternoon. Brilliant colors to enjoy. I love when the egrets visit. They look incredibly graceful.
Three days of respite began yesterday afternoon. Began the time with this walk, then took the night off from sitting in front of the laptop. Next up, was a long hot soak in the tub. Ending with uninterrupted reading in bed before drifting to sleep. Today, I’m on the 6th read aloud of Words of Alchemy to catch wee errors before submitting to the book designer. Hopefully, just one more time!