Throwback Post: Shadows and Bread While Swimming


September 9 2015:

Working in the mobile office this morning while Lillian is building those muscles!! I came across one of the most amazing poems this morning … about shadows. “Shadows are everywhere” … I’m confident you’ll like it too! Go here to join the shadow world for a moment …

Shadows Are Always There

… You can subscribe to receive her posts of poems, short stories, book recommendations, and research reports as they are posted using the link at the end of the post.


Even bread knows about hearts. Thomas was eating a piece of bread with dinner one night and noticed his bread had shaped into a heart! xoxo

It’s been a week and a half in the new place. Just finished the second blog post about this adventure. We are in love with our tiny little place … xoxo

Living in a Tiny Home Adventures – Week One

Just had the most amazing swim! Felt so peaceful and sweet!! YUM!! Now, we’re all hungry! Thomas wants to know why swimming makes you so hungry. xoxo

Apparently going for a swim not only makes one hungry. It also drenches one with creativity when making dinner. Thomas asked for something different done with the chicken this time. Couscous & Chicken in Pumpkin Cream Sauce and French Style Flat Bread with mushrooms, Emmental & Parmesan cheese and sliced bananas with cinnamon and coconut sugar. My body is relaxed and full. I am content and peaceful. So wonderful!


September 9 2014:

Could there be anything more beautiful and love infusing as a tender kiss on the cheek from the one you get to call your son? Swoon …. xoxo


During our walk last night Lillian said she wanted to give anonymous gifts to people we don’t know and asked for ideas. She referenced the times that she and Thomas had been the recipients of anonymous gifts. I suggested we could paint inspirational words/messages on rocks and give to people. She liked that idea! She suggested we could write “Love Notes” (my term) and hand those out anonymously too! She was thinking and brainstorming during our entire walk.


Preparing for the annual Lillian Presentation! The FUN begins tomorrow at 9:00 am in the Stillwater classroom at HDMS. Lillian’s classmates get to have a basic, mini lesson on genes and chromosomes and a huge lesson about non-judgment, differences, compassion and supporting one another!!


September 9 2012:

WHEW!!!! Dusting, cleaning floors, getting rid of piles ALL day with a little ole Family Swim Time Break this afternoon with the Team …. I’m tired y’all; but darn this feels GOOD!!! Nothin like some good ole cleaning and purging to give a girl a pep in her step and to clear the way for possibilities ….


September 9 2011:

Happy Happy Happy Early 10th Birthday to my AWE-some Fairy Princess Lillian and Happy Happy Woop Woop to Mama for getting her book to the editor this morning!!! WooooooHooooooooo, YeeeeeeeHaaaaaawwww and Hot Da**!!!

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