Finished the final edits of my book, “D iz for Different – One Woman’s Journey to Acceptance” and sent out to some test readers today! Shooting for having it in hand by my birthday on February 26th!
A wildfire in Washoe Valley took up the rest of our afternoon and early evening. It moved quickly up 395 North headed our direction. Seems to have stopped just short of our area. Both Thomas and Lillian were pretty freaked out. They happen to be looking out the sliding glass door right before we were headed out to run an errand. They both kept saying there was a fire and I kept telling them it was just dust from the wind blowing so hard. I finally realized it was a fire when I smelled the smoke.
We left to run our errand and passed police vehicles and buses that were headed to Damonte Ranch High School. The emergency alert announcements were playing on the radio and this heightened Thomas and Lillian’s worries. The upside and downside of having technology savvy kids; they were both on their devices looking up information about it and getting more freaked out! At least I know they’ll know what to do in an emergency.
I had the news on for a while on the one news channel we get as I don’t pay for any cable or satellite services. Had to turn it off as Thomas was glued to it. Little dude had his coat on, his favorite toy and had already looked online and found us a place to stay for $29! And it didn’t help when we could see the flames nearing Mt Rose Hwy!
They had both finally calmed down by bedtime. Thank Goodness! Before bed I read The Twelve Days of Christmas in Florida (Twelve Days of Christmas, State By State) (amazon affilate link) with Thomas. Fun book. Thomas read the book and he actually sang the book to the traditional “12 Days” tune. Then I read Can’t You Sleep, Little Bear? (amazon affiliate link) with Lillian. Warm and cozy book. Just right for a bedtime book.