January 21 2012: Library and Movie Night

Lillian having lunch! Little light reading about Albert Einstein (Famous People) (amazon affiliate link) while munching away. Then she read a great little book titled, Smart About Money: A Rich History (Smart About History) (amazon affiliate link). These two crack me up! Yes, I do purposely get them these kinds of books; but I don’t make them read ’em. They choose to read these awesome books! After she finished we headed to the library.

Team TLC is on our way to the library. Watch out, we’ve got THREE bags with us ready to load with books and movies!

One of Lillian’s favorite places. She loves going to the library. Thomas and I do too. Every 3rd Saturday, you’ll find us there!

Thomas found a nice little spot too!

South Valleys Library has a cool little path and garden area behind the library. A local Boy Scouts group built it as one of their projects years ago. I think we are just about the only people who use it. This is where you’ll find us after we’ve loaded up with books and movies!

Indulged tonight in a yummy hot dog with a side of Guinness! This was so very good!

Then it was Team TLC movie time!



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