December 13 2017:
My heart is smiling really big and my eyes pooled with sweat …. xoxoxo ….
“Although all of us who love fairies understand that children, with their vivid imaginations, are closer to magic than any of us, we all yearn to retain that childlike sense of wonder. Lillian Darnell’s writings are a welcome reminder of what is possible when you dream big, and accept no limitations.” – Grace Nuth, Senior Editor – Faerie Magazine
Would you like to help us reach our goal of 50 books pre-sold? It will help us with this last and final stretch! We’ve sold 36 so far! We had just 2 items that needed adjusted to the interior as of this morning! By the end of today, one of those was addressed. One more and then we can finalize the cover … And, then order a proof book! Wahoo!! Go here if you would like to pre-order a book … …