November 8 2017:
For the past month or so Lillian has been going to the lodge once a week and spending solo time. I walk over with her, and she walks back alone. She stays anywhere from 1-3 hours.
I’m so grateful for this wee respite! And grateful she’s got somewhere close to go and practice being independent.
It’s semi-private … only people who live in the complex would be there. Has a coffee/hot chocolate/tea room, fireplace, pool table, big screen televisions, very small 12 person theater, and some comfy chairs and tables. The complex office is inside also.
Lillian stays in one spot and so far has just been using her electronics. It’s a start. Hopefully, she’ll get comfortable enough to take a book over or some artwork.
I think the next step would be dropping her off at the library for a bit. I want her to get used to communicating with people she does not know and who are going to have a difficult time understanding her spoken word. She has got to figure out how she wants to communicate with people when I’m not there (and not just be okay with them misunderstanding and her giving up.)