January 24 2018:
Look what just arrived!!!!!
An abstract Camilla and Lillian Darnell come into focus to share some GREAT news!! (HA! We had a wonky connection so we kept turning abstract! Cool!!)
January 25 2018:
The “Where Would You Fly” assembly line! First load taken to the post office and mailed.
January 26 2018:
Another post office run this afternoon!! So thankful for no line today!!! Love it when that happens!
Oceans of gratitude to everyone who will be receiving the magic!! It’s flying your way!! xoxoxo
January 27 2018:
It was a great day to release some magic through the USPS! One of these sweeties really gets to fly … All the way to Australia! Be free. And. Have fun.
Has anyone mailed anything overseas lately? Crazy fees for postage! xoxo
**Go here if you’d like to learn more about the book or place an order. Thank you!