July 4 2016:
Just back from an adventure! Made popcorn, grabbed some jelly beans, found a perfect spot to park in Reno so as to watch the fireworks in Sparks …. Absolutely wonderful spot away from crowds and the boom, boom of the fireworks. This is how we roll with sensory issues …. What FUN! xoxo
July 5 2016:
She’s up to 8 steps now!! This is so wonderful! She has NEVER gone up stairs without clinging to me for dear life!!!! We have always avoided stairs due to her fear and proprioceptive issues.
She made it a goal to reach the top before we leave for San Antonio. Tomorrow she’ll be going up the last 10 steps since we leave Thursday morning. Stay tuned … xoxo
July 6 2016:
Just wanted to share another Biggest Little Photographer update …. And since we’ll be leaving on Thursday for the C18 Conference here’s a picture that minifigure photographer took while at the 2014 C18 Conference … New York Harbor … xoxo
Our goal was to have received 100 pre-orders of Thomas’ Biggest Little Photographer book by July 1st. We didn’t reach that goal OR did we? They’re still coming in and we’ve had about 30 pre-orders for the book now. Some orders are still coming by check so not sure of the exact amount.
However, sometimes what we wish for is delivered in a different way. After calculating money we received last week … When divided by $20 (average price for book) … It comes out to 100 …. Ummmmm … WOW!!
So we actually exceeded our goal! Our goal was met in a miraculously creative way … With 2 couches, a bayou Angel and her mom, and the loving-kindness of those who shared, liked, commented and purchased. Team TLC overflows with gratitude and sends blessings and love to all … xoxo
July 6 2016:
A State of Pure Awareness – New blog post that poured out so fast and hard I was barely breathing and two hours went by that felt like 30 minutes ….
” ……… My therapists have been the authors of the books I read. Two of my greatest teachers have been my kids, Thomas and Lillian. Other teachers have been the suffering brought on by my thoughts, beliefs, and ideas, and those with whom I have shared un-lovely moments. The friends I share absolutely everything with are nature, meditation, and my own version of praying.
I continually ask to see things differently, to question the thoughts, ideas and beliefs I have. I ask to unlearn thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that no longer serve me. In the few days before this experience, I had finally come to a point where I authentically released and let go of all that I wish for and want. I let go of it with tremendous love and with the knowing that I would absolutely receive once I let go of the longing.
Here is what I experienced ….. ……”
To read the entire post visit here …. It’s the first post on the blog. xoxoxo
July 6 2016:
We leave first thing in the morning …. And two goals reached today!
Top of the ladder at physical therapy and TOP OF THE STAIRS … Without clinging to me!
She DID IT! Oceans of gratitude for all the encouragement!!! xoxo
Thank you oceans and oceans for the wonderful cheering for Lillian!! Yesterday, she went down 2 flights of stairs and one huge flight to get from the main level of the hotel to the Riverwalk!! Four years ago when we were here we had to take the elevators down ….. I’m so happy she listens to her intuition and body and does things as she knows she’s ready! xoxo