September 14 2017:
Happy Happy Happy Sweet 16th Birthday Lillian!! She requested dark chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting sprinkled with dark chocolate. Cake for breakfast! Yum!
Today is the Lillian and Camilla September 2017 Date Day too. Be ready for bunches of pictures, a special blog post dedicated to Lillian, and she held a Facebook live “Birthday Party”.
Sweet, fun, and short “Happy 16th Birthday” video for Lillian Darnell! Just a few Team TLC adventures using Google animated photos. I LOVE YOU Lillian!!
Press the “i” in the upper right hand corner for a link to Wish Lillian “Happy Birthday” …. Or make your wish in the comments here … xoxo
After cake and presents we went for a swim, then to pick out a special cookie.
Ended the birthday/date day with a candle light sunset car picnic with an amazing view.