June 27 2016:
With my respite time tonight, I made myself a grand dinner … a lovely, big bowl of popcorn. This is how I get all wild n crazy when I have a night to myself … and then I proceeded to have the most beautiful experience.
I’ve written a blog post about it that felt like I’d been writing for about 30 minutes and it had been an hour and a half. It’s still in raw form, yet I felt moved to share a snippet ..
This morning a bayou Angel and her Mom came to my assistance. One who feels I am a gift to her in how I show up and live my life. As I sat eating my dinner of a lovely, big bowl of popcorn, I simply stared into the bowl at each kernel before eating it. As I scooped up and popped the last bit of popcorn into my mouth, the bayou Angel and I exchanged our last email for the day agreeing that our having re-connected was divinely arranged.
William Blake’s “To See A World … ” came to mind and it was as if the flood gates opened. Not only to let flow tears of knowing, tears of joy, and tears of love …. It was the flood gates of my entire life flowing out around me and wrapping me in the knowing that there have been no accidents in this life of mine.
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.” ~William Blake
It has been divinely laid out. Every encounter, every relationship, every friendship. I saw the synchronicity of having lived 3 years of my life in Houma Louisiana in the mid 80’s, the deep unhappiness of my family life at that time and how the friendships I formed were my saving grace. Not only a saving grace back in the mid 80’s, a saving grace in the year 2013 and 2016. Unbeknownst to me a mutual, symbiotic relationship of one inspiring the other and one becoming a messenger angel for the other.
Everything that I have experienced ….. ” More after I clean it up a bit. It was poring out of me so fast … That was some bowl of popcorn!! xoxoxo
June 28 2016:
She’s still at it …. and she’s good! Another from Lillian … xoxo
“When you or someone else is calm, you will feel a lot better. You will be more confident and relaxed. You will be happy, mindful, grateful, thankful and joyful.
Take a moment to read this quote. If you want to, share it with family, friends, and relatives.
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” – Buddha … “ https://lilliandarnell.com/2016/06/21/emotions-with-animals-calm-monarch-butterflies/
June 30 2016:
My words from this time last year (below) …. May the words inspire and encourage those whom it is meant for … xoxoxo
Still so meaningful to me as we are about to embark on our longest road trip so far in Team TLC history, still not knowing with certainty how we will pay for it all, and when we get back, we’ll be deciding by the end of July on the course of a new adventure …
The need to know when, how, where, and what next; can at times, be the very block that keeps us from fully experiencing life and experiencing it as our true selves … minus the ideas and beliefs of others.
words from June 2015: “Team TLC has come to the end of a chapter in our adventures and we embark on a new chapter. This chapter will be a living-in-the-moment adventure, with intentions of it being FUN and memorable.
I don’t have plans, I don’t know where we’ll live after the summer with the Romano Duo, I don’t know exactly what will happen. I am not always okay with this, but mostly I am. I feel the desire to know exactly how things will happen and the worry that accompanies this are just fears.
In the past I’ve spent a great deal of time confronting and connecting with these and other fears and they no longer have power within me. I know these fears are not the true me and as long as I live from the heart with love as the foundation of all actions, I, and the rest of Team TLC, will be blessed and affluent.
I DO know where I want to live and have much clarity about the role I am to play in being of service. That is all I need to know for now. Connecting with emotions, specifically fear, has been one of the most empowering “non-actions” I have ever taken …. May you choose to connect with any emotion that holds you back.
I know everything will be okay and worry has no hold on me. That’s not to say that worry is no longer present in my life. I am now able to recognize worries, fears, anger, complaining, the desire to be right and have someone else be wrong, as simply the ego throwing a tantrum because I am stepping into my power.
The world is a beautiful love-filled place and none of us were meant to suffer. Our suffering is self imposed with the thoughts that we consciously and unconsciously choose to think. I have chosen to go deep, clear out all the crud and live at a deeper level. xoxo”
July 2 2016:
Team TLC will be traveling the blue route, in the attached screen shot, from Reno to San Antonio. We’ll be leaving either this coming Thursday or Friday.
Do we have any friends along this route who would be interested in letting us borrow a bed or couch for a night’s sleep? We’ll be driving anywhere from 6-9 hours each day for 3 days … depending on where we stop for the day. Oceans of love and gratitude .. xoxo