September 13 2018:
A powdered donut celebration to end Lillian’s last day as a 16 year old. Complete with a heart shape donut middle!
We each took turns sharing a wee bit about Lillian’s 16th year and then had a donut toast!!
One gluten free chocolate cake with coconut sugar cream cheese frosting ready for tomorrow! Yum!
Lillian says she can already feel her 17 year old self coming through! 🎉💞💞💞🎉
September 14 2018:
My Dearest Lillian,
I wish for you the happiest of birthdays.
I wish for you a joyful and peaceful 17th trip around the sun.
I wish for you all the experiences
That your heart desires.
Walks with you, I truly treasure.
Creating art with you, I truly Treasure.
Laughing and being silly with You, I truly treasure.
May strength, courage, peace and kindness be with you Always and forever ….
As will my Love.
I Love You!! Camilla
(Message in Lillian’s birthday card)
My Dearest Lillian Darnell,
I am incredibly happy for you with how far you’ve come in your life. From those wee itty bitty 4 pounds and 5 ounces to the mighty powerful creator you have grown into …. Grown into physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Your Knowing of what you want to experience in your life and letting that be Known are incredibly inspiring to me. You Know that you want to continue to write and create more stories and books. You Know that you want to travel and write about that also.
I am deeply sorry that I’m not able to facilitate the traveling portion of your Knowing. I know that both you and Thomas wish to travel more than our once a year trip to the annual Chromosome 18 conference. I, too, vision us traveling to the beautiful places we’ve all taken the time to list. We shall have this as our Team TLC goal. We shall get to this place eventually. I Know we will.
You have come great lengths in recognizing when your emotions have flared and I’m grateful that you tell me afterwards that something I did or said or a conversation we had caused you to get emotional. Noticing this is THE most important aspect of learning how to process emotions! What a GREAT accomplishment!!
I cannot wait to be a part of your 17th trip around the Sun. I look forward to this exciting time and am ever grateful that you and I chose one another for this grand adventure!!
Love you forever and always and throughout all times and dimensions,
September 14 2018:
The celebrations began this morning with The gifts and The Cake!
Happy 17th Birthday to Lillian!!
For Lillian’s birthday this year, she asked for donations equaling $204 as she will be 204 months old (17 years), to The Chromosome 18 Registry & Research Society. She chose this nonprofit because their mission means a lot to her, and she hopes you’ll consider contributing as a way to celebrate with me. Every little bit will help me reach my goal.
(Group photo from the 2018 Chromosome 18 Conference in Baltimore, Maryland)
Lillian raised $265!! Go Lillian!!
September 15 2018:
Yesterday was the Lillian and Camilla September 2018 Date Day and Celebrating Lillian’s 17th Birthday.
After presents and cake we visited Rancho San Rafael and the Wilbur May Arboretum!!
The sky, trees, flowers, and grounds were simply breathtaking!! I love you trees! Where do I begin and the tree end? Tree! Oh, how I love thee?
September 14 2018:
Following the park beauty it was time for fries and dessert! Vegan ginger cookie for me and lemon shortbread sandwich cookie for Lillian!
Last two stops! Shopping after dinner for a new pair of sunglasses for Lillian. And then soaking our feet in the pool and hot tub!! Ahhhhh …. That felt amazing!