Rainbow Crushes by Lillian Darnell

February 18 2021

Another story from Lillian …

Once years ago there lived a mermaid named Rainbow who lived in the ocean’s deep blue depth who lived there with her good friends Pearl and Coral. Rainbow dreamed of seeing the deep dark blue sky and seeing unicorns.
While up in the sky soaring high above in the earth’s deep dark blue, lived a unicorn named Skyla who dreamed of seeing …

Rainbow’s Crushes

New Story from Lillian Darnell – Two Female Unicorns

February 11 2021

Another new story from Lillian Darnell … xoxo

Once there were two female unicorns named Rosa and Beth who lived in a land called RainbowTopia. The two female unicorns lived with their family and the family all thought all was well or so they thought …

Magical Unicorns In Love

New Story from Lillian Darnell – Once in a Faraway Land

February 9 2021

A beautiful new story from Lillian Darnell … xoxo

Once in a faraway land lived two girls who were best friends. They did everything together including swimming and reading together. Their names were Anna and Hazel. They knew they would be best friends for life but little did Anna and Hazel know …

Anna and Hazel’s Love Story

Throwback Post: Dolphins at Shore by Lillian Darnell


September 1 2014

(Photo by Tom Swinnen from Pexels)

I am cleaning emails and came across this beauty …

Dolphins At Shore

On a warm sunny day, there lived a dolphin named Aqua who wanted to explore the human world. Aqua didn’t know that it was dangerous up there. A river dolphin named Lavender came down from the river and had said that the dolphin could go up. So the dolphin went up and 1 minute later she found herself laying on the shore. She couldn’t move so she just laid there until a young girl named Tacitus and others noticed her and the girl called for her father who was one of the dolphin helpers. Aqua got back.

She never went back up on the shore again. As for Tacitus, she went on to help other dolphins. She earned herself a nickname called Super Dolphin Helper Daphne. Then Aqua & Daphne met again while Daphne was swimming. Aqua kept following her so they started their own company and Aqua got a nickname as well which was Dolphin Assistant Spring. As time went by they both got older and then they didn’t use their body no longer. But Daphne transferred into a dolphin while Spring became a human. So Spring got her wish later in life.

They lived happily ever after.

Easter 2020 – Team TLC and The Romano Duo – Sort Of

April 12 2020

Here’s to a lovely day!

I just received this photo from The Romano Duo and it hit me with all the feels, causing my eyes to pool with liquid joy, love, laughter, and sadness … all at the same time. (Do you see Team TLC’s photos? HA! They are so fun!)

We are so happy we got to see them in person yesterday, as we stood on the 2nd floor patio, and they stayed down below outside the front door. That was fun and wonderful! (They brought chairs and sat down in the shade. Ha!)

I am incredibly thankful to be healthy, to have food, a beautiful place to live, that Thomas, Lillian and I are together, and that we share this life together.

For many years I have written morning pages/ journal writing, and for the past month I have been closing with 3 things for which I am grateful. It’s a powerful practice if anyone would like to try it. Don’t just list what you’re grateful for, expand on it with why you are grateful. You just may feel your shoulders relax, your jaw unclench, and feel a tad bit lighter afterwards. Sending oceans of love to all … xoxo

Lisa and the Huge Storm by Lillian Darnell

March 17 2020

New story from Lillian …

Once many years ago, there lived a girl whose name was Lisa. Lisa lived with her parents in a huge castle. Her parents were Leah and Andy. Lisa loved having fun. They lived happily in the castle.

But one day, a huge ….

Lisa and The Huge Storm

Throwback Post: May 2014 Lillian and Camilla Date Day


May 25 2014:

Finally off for our May 2014 date! This girl takes forever with her schedule …. which MUST be followed!

Camilla and Lillian May 25 2014 Date Day #1

Late lunch at Great Basin …. Garlic fries for Lillian and shrimp fajita salad for me! YUM!!!! Next stop Junkee! Had fun trying on clothes and found some cool fabric for a new pillowcase for Lillian. Last stop Stoneage for some fabulous yummy goodness feeling the stones and crystals! WOW! Lillian chose a white quartz heart and I got a piece of scolecite …. Wheeee!

Book Signing for Lillian Darnell at Barnes & Noble

November 28 2019

Haven’t had time to post this! Lillian Darnell will be at Barnes & Noble this Saturday, the 30th, from 2-4:30, signing her books! It’s a “Local Author Event” all weekend!

I’ll be there in January with my latest book, Words of Alchemy. It got delayed with this wild moving mess! Nearly there with it though! Come by and see Lillian and encourage Barnes & Noble to keep having these events to support authors!! Thank you everyone … for the love and support!!

November 30 2019:

I’m handing out free hugs. Lillian Darnell is handing out free smiles. Come by, pick up an autographed book with a personal message, and support local authors. Today from 2-4:30 at the Reno Barnes & Noble. 💜💜💜

November 30 2019:

She had a good time signing books! Frank and Robert and Samantha came by too. And a photo of a deeply and extremely exhausted me. Thank you Barnes & Noble for supporting local authors.

Lost in London – Creative Book Review by Lillian Darnell

October 27 2019:

Incredibly creative idea by Lillian Darnell …. She has created an interview between two fictional characters discussing a book. Lillian’s fun idea for a book review with a twist! I hope you’ll check it out … Pretty quick read.

Carol’s Books