November 27 2015:
The Team TLC toast last night …. With a fragrant and fruity 2015 mixed berry sparkling water. And I’m thinking the pumpkin pie I made without sweetened condensed milk was a hit. Between the 3 of us there’s only one big piece left! Topped with homemade whipped cream lightly sweetened with maple syrup. YUM! xoxo
November 27 2014:
Thanksgiving night tradition with The Romano Duo!
November 27 2013:
Just finished my contribution … homemade cranberry sauce! YUM!
November 27 2012:
Lillian’s gratitude for today:
I am thankful for playing.
Lillian is home sick with a sinus and ear infection … HAD to run to the grocery store for a few things .. She’s in her pajamas cause she’s sick, but … Umm, where are your shoes girl??? Oh well!!!
Thomas’ gratitude for today:
I’m thankful for having this house to clean.
November 27 2011:
Today I am thankful for the sense of smell and taste . . . nothing better than the sense of comfort, warm memories and good feelings from smells and tastes . . . bacon frying, fresh brewed coffee, pecan pie, flowers, vanilla, pumpkin, apple, mint, good wine, dark chocolate, good food, hearty dark lager . . .