October 8 2017:
I may have a second space to offer Reiki; in an amazing and wonderful wellness center! This will help in accommodating clients in different parts of town. Fingers crossed and wee rose petals crossed too!
“This was my first time experiencing Reiki and it was wonderful. I was so deeply relaxed and comfortable I was in and out of sleep! During my session with Camilla I even got a vision of a beautiful image I want to paint. Camilla had just the right colors and scents in the room too, catered just for me! I’ll definitely be doing this again in the near future. Please give her Reiki sessions a try, she’s got a gift. 🙂” – Natalie Gorden, Reno, Nevada
Already have my first round of clients scheduled since receiving the internal nudge to begin offering Reiki once again! I have so many more tools, techniques, and ideas to support clients … Use of mindfulness, meditating, and nature. And, soon, another technique! xoxoxo
October 11 2017:
I am beyond excited, grateful, and blessed to announce that I now have an amazing, beautiful, and soul soothing environment at which to offer Reiki …. Pinnacle Wellness!
You can experience a Reiki session stand alone or you can combine it with one of Pinnacle’s modalities or experience one of their modalities afterwards.
The punch card they offer is an amazing deal! I CANNOT wait to use the Halotherapy room. It is calling me big time!
I also have the beautiful space in North Reno! Now I can accommodate those coming from different ends of town! So incredibly grateful …. xoxoxo… Perhaps this photo can show in some way how far and deep my gratitude extends …
October 13 2017:
I arrived at Pinnacle Wellness yesterday morning to give one Reiki session and left in the afternoon after giving two! My client enjoyed it so much her husband wanted a session too!
They both had a Reiki session and took turns enjoying two of Pinnacle’s services while the other enjoyed Reiki. They were so incredibly relaxed and joyful when they left! I have two openings next week up for grabs!! Feeling incredibly grateful and blessed … xoxo