Throwback Post: Farewell and Happy Trails to Cinamon


July 20 2010:

We say farewell to my 18 year old cat, Cinamon on Monday, July 19, 2010.
Cinamon, you kept me company when I needed it most. I love you!

~ Happy Trails to You My Dear Feline Friend ~

**December 2021 Update – I was so sad that I needed to make this into a celebration of Cinamon’s life and the time we had together. Thank you to my veterinarian friend, Cathy Connelly, for taking tender care of Cinamon. Don’t let the smile fool you. I sobbed my head off as soon as I got into the car.

Farewell to Lovey, the Guinea Pig – One of the L’s in our Team TLC

November 28 2019:

During the night our sweet and beautiful Lovey, the guinea pig, crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We adopted her in June 2014 from the Humane Society and she has been a joy to have as part of our family.

She stopped eating shortly after we moved, so I knew it was coming. We had been giving her extra love and sweet talks and I gave her Reiki last night. Mostly, she wanted to be left alone. She’s now in a gigantic, never ending field of sweet grass eating dandelions, grass, and cilantro to her heart’s content. 💜💜💜 We love you Lovey. You will be dearly missed …