November 24 2018:
The Faithful Gardener
“New seed is faithful. It roots deepest in the places that are most empty.”- C.P. Estes
Just a beautiful book and story. Loved it.
February 24 2018:
Right to Write
This book and its powerful content was like a walk down a familiar, well-worn, and comforting path welcoming my writer’s soul home. LOVED every single bit of it. This is one I would love to own and have as part of my wee book collection.
Why should we write? For me, this is a powerful book. The author brought together so many of my own feelings and thoughts about writing, why I write, what happens when I write, and that EVERYONE should write.
One doesn’t have to share their writings. Simply the act of writing is healthy and therapeutic.
Cameron shares how writing can be playful, as well as a practical and profound experience. The art of writing will never be the same for you after reading this book.
A GREAT book for any of my writer friends!! And, pretty much anyone who wants to at least begin writing a daily journal for therapeutic reasons …. I’m serious! This is a powerful book!! I just want to hug and squeeze it! xoxo