December 14 2012:
Yeeeehawwwww Y’all!!! Look at the handsome man I get to spend all weekend with … Get him all to myself! Lillian is spending the weekend with The Romano Duo so Team Member T & C can have a date weekend!!!

December 15 2012:
Mr. T and I are about to head out on our date. We’re making a a couple of HappY Messages to randomly leave somewhere. Thomas says, “The people who find these messages will make their own messages and spread to someone else and pretty soon the whole World will be sharing happY messages.” Right on Team Member T, Right on!!
First stop on our date day … Frozen yogurt for lunch!!! YUM!!!

Got stuff to make his sister and his Mama a Christmas gift … One excited young man!!

Next stop, book shopping!!! One of this Team’s most favorite things!! We love books!!

Last stop on the BIG date!! More books!!! Yep!

Movie Date Night with me and Team Member T …. Just LOVE this movie … Now Thomas is writing a song called “Peace with You and Me” which he says will change the future … He says he has so many ideas he might need a folder to hold all of them … I think you may be right Thomas …

Spreading HappYness Day #15 (Part 1) – Thomas and I had a date day while Lillian is spending time with The Romano Duo. Mr. T made a HappY message to deliver while we were out on our date. He left it on someone’s windshield. He asked, “What if someone throws it away?” I told him we can’t control what people do with kindness after we share it with them and we shouldn’t let that keep us from being kind. Frozen yogurt for lunch, craft store for some inexpensive gifts that he can make, used book store, library and a movie, Scrooge – A Christmas Story. Now Thomas is writing a song called “Peace with You and Me” which he says will change the future.