August 19 2018:
I Welcome You
I expect and know I will see the possibilities and opportunities in this situation. I will Know when to take action. And, I will be the best version of me that I can possibly be.
I welcome this fear and I take it’s hand as I walk through the foggy illusion fear creates. As I reach the other side I gently release the hand of fear and lovingly whisper, “Thank you.”
Thank you for helping me to see and know the walls as an illusion. The walls I have felt trapped within, no matter which path I chose.
Thank you for allowing me to see that even though I may outwardly seem to conform; within I know the Truth. I hold that Truth close to my Heart, so that I may freely and openly share the Gift of my Heart as only I can do in the Way I came forth to share.
I thank you for helping me to see the opportunities and possibilities in seemingly difficult situations. I thank you for teaching me ….