You are Amazing and I Believe in You by Camilla Downs

September 18 2018:

I’m currently “house cleaning” on my blog. I have drafts dating back to 2012 that got lost in the rush and hustle, in the ups and downs of this spiritual journey I have chosen to travel, down into the depths of my own darkness, up to the peaks of the light and love within us all.

Most of the drafts I come across, I’m deleting as, so far, they’ve just been one sentence or phrase and no longer speak to me. This one called to be posted and expanded upon ……

You are Amazing and I Believe in You

A Most Important Lesson

November 29 2017:

Thanks Michelle Colón-Johnson for the inclusion in this article when it originally appeared in Huffington Post. It was just recently published by The Good Men Project.

“The most important lesson perhaps was the one shared by Camilla Downs who shared, No matter the circumstances, love is always the answer… and love starts with making the choice to love yourself.”

Sending big, warm hugs to you Michelle! xoxo

7 Relationship Lessons Learned Through Marriage . . . and Divorce