What a blessing Mr. Happy and his human companion, Debbie, are to us! It has just been the perfect pairing! xoxo
“I am here working on a 4 month consulting job and have my dog, Happy, with me. I needed a loving person to take Happy outside for a potty break around noon time every weekday and to dog sit when I am out of town. What a treasure to find Camilla living in the same community. She is a blessing. I highly recommend her and Team TLC to help out with your special pet family member! -Debbie, Building #17
It was wonderful! The exercises we did also facilitated some good stuff with my heart and throat chakra … I was flooded with blues and greens when my eyes were closed! Thomas says he does want to come again. He will just make sure to bring a little pillow and we won’t get lost and be late!
This has been a month of firsts for me … So many! This morning is another. I’ll be sitting for the Portrait Society of Reno as a live model for the class to paint. It’s been a time of saying “Yes” more often than saying “No”.
And today’s adventure stemmed from saying, “yes”, to something I would normally have said “no” to doing. The past few months have been a time of really listening to my intuition and going with it, even if I don’t understand why in the beginning. The why becomes clear eventually … xoxoxo
Last night we had the 3rd quarter “Letting Go Burning Ceremony”. It was our 4th one together as we began having it the last quarter of 2015.
There is much, much growth and learning happening here lately! As witnessed by the lack of focus on what T & L should include on their OWN strips of paper … And, arguing about what the other one should be including on their strip of paper …. Yes! Much learning for all 3 of us. xoxo
That’s where I sat this morning for 3 hours. Twenty minutes at a time, with a five minute break every 20. One of the most difficult tasks I’ve ever done!! Not smiling and staring at the same spot the whole time. It took 3 twenty minute rounds before I was able to relax!
Perfect exercise in mindfulness!!! Big time!! Don’t think I could do that again, unless I could be looking at a book or sitting in meditation pose.
I’m glad I said, “Yes”, though. I will never wonder, “What if?” Plus, I discovered a fabulous local place I didn’t know about and met some amazing folks!
September 23 2016:
Field trip for Thomas today!!! He got to go visit Meg … And you too Barbara Richmond Chastain!! Imagine our delight when we spotted Thomas’ painted rocks amongst the other vibrant decorations.
Thank you Barb!!! Thomas loved, loved, loved it! I’m glad we got to chat for a few minutes too. I always enjoy our chats. xoxo
At the conclusion of Thomas’ lesson, Barbara Richmond Chastain asked, “What was your favorite part?” ….. I didn’t question my intuition when I was nudged to video this one little piece of the entire lesson. I just did it. Thomas’ answer, “The trotting!” ….. xoxo
September 24 2016:
Another first and another “Yes!” …. A new resident posted in the community resident portal (kinda like a Facebook for The Vintage residents) that she needed someone to walk her dog in the middle of the day while she’s at work. I told her we’d be happy to do it!
When she and I met last weekend, it was such a relaxed conversation … Like we already knew one another. She’s here for 4 months on a consulting job.
We are blessed she came into our life and brought along “Happy” for us to enjoy almost every day of the week for 4 months. He’s 9 years old and an amazing and gentle fellow.
I have high hopes Lillian will let Happy be the dog that helps her with the fear and anxiety surrounding dogs. And his human is all for it too!!! Yes. Thank you. Bring us more please. xoxoxo
September 24 2016:
It’s a wonderful day to mail Painted Rocks by Thomas to the beautiful soul who has commissioned Thomas to paint two a month. She’s gifting them to those who donate in a yearly fundraiser! Blessed!! On their way!! xoxo
Hand weaving ….. Thomas absolutely loves this. He loved it last year and again this year. He likes the math involved! This time we learned how he could make his own handmade loom!!
Although, he truly loves this one in the picture with the foot pedals. Anyone have one they aren’t using? Thank you Reno Fiber Guild!!!!