Nearly Done with the Lillian Turned 18 Buried in Paperwork Palooza

February 19 2020:

Another one down, one more to go for the Lillian-turned-18-buried-in-paperwork-palooza. Power of Attorney for financial matters signed and notarized this afternoon. Last one is the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Decisions and End of Life Decisions. I need to discuss this one with Lillian more to make sure she understands it all. And, just a fun photo from happier times for us … Book signing for Lillian in June 2019 at Barnes & Noble.

It Is Done – Lillian Darnell Gets an Identification Card

October 14 2019:

She survived getting an ID! Extreme anxiety and pissed offness having to go do this (on Lillian’s part). You can tell she was nervous in the second photo and had calmed down by the 1st photo. She does not like these new rules that come with turning 18. We were only there about an hour. Plus, she registered to vote too! Whew! It is done now. 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Next up. Getting fingerprinted for her library volunteering …. More extreme anxiety over that one!

Thank you to the lovely DMV worker who graciously overlooked that I had made the appointment for the 15th. (And did not make me get in the “no appointment” line!) Today is not the 15th! I’m losing my mind!!