Camilla’s Gratitude List: Week of April 15, 2012


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April 15, 2012, Sunday, I am grateful for: A break from my beautiful kids. Ted Darnell … for being here to give me that break. Pantry and fridge full of good, wholesome, beautiful food. Great friends. Kymberlee Simantel, Cheri Hill, … Continue reading

Camilla’s Gratitude List: Week of March 4, 2012

March 4, 2012, Sunday, I am grateful for:

Tissues with lotion.
Thomas being in Vegas with Momma and Frank.
Lillian understanding that this nasty cold is kicking my behind.
Chicken noodle and tomato soup.
Lillian’s ability to entertain herself.
Momma and Frank.
A day with no obligations and no errands to run.

March 5, 2012, Monday, I am grateful for:

An empty calendar for today.
Tissues with lotion.
My bodies ability to fight this cold.
Lillian’s smile.
Picnic lunch with Lillian.
The amazing view of our city off of Geiger Grade.
Diana Michelotti.
Natalie Gorden.

March 6, 2012, Tuesday, I am grateful for:

Tissue with lotion!
Our warm house.
Being inside with no where to go when there are snow flurries and blustery weather.
The swimming instructor in Vegas who is teaching Thomas so much.
Love and support from friends.
The ability to breath through my nose.

March 7, 2012, Wednesday, I am grateful for:

Good health.
Vegetable spring rolls.
Networking and chatting with new and old friends.
Smiles, hugs and kisses from friends.
Being silly.
Tina Haly.
Lillian’s thoughtfulness.

March 8, 2012, Thursday, I am grateful for:

Kat McLain.
Lillian getting treated to going to Ms. Kat’s for a couple of hours.
The internet.
Social Media.
A good night’s sleep.

March 9, 2012, Friday, I am grateful for:

Dr. Amanda Rammel.
Relief from back and neck pain.
The day a cold has taken it’s leave from my body!
Time spent alone with Lillian.
Picnic adventures with Lillian.
North Shore Washoe Lake State Park.
The sheer beauty of nature.
Lillian’s growing courage.
A warm, beautiful, comfortable home to come home to.

March 10, 2012, Saturday, I am grateful for:

Days with no appointments.
Being indoors when the wind is gusting outside.
Lillian’s love of reading.
Kuddos and support from friends.
Diana Michelotti.
Jim Stovall.
Family movie night.



Camilla’s Gratitude List: Week of February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012, Sunday, I am grateful for:

Grits, bacon and toast.
Thomas’ love for Lillian.
Thomas’ excitement and enthusiasm for reading.
Experiencing Thomas’ imagination.
A Lillian vacation.
Great, helpful, kind and caring friends.

February 13, 2012, Monday, I am grateful for:

Receiving what I need exactly when I need it.
Experiencing first hand the power our thoughts hold.
Friends and family who love and support me.
The ability to change my thoughts and habits.
Lillian having a GREAT time with Momma and Frank.
Lillian’s smile.
Thomas’ hugs.

February 14, 2012, Tuesday, I am grateful for:

A morning all to myself.
Hearing Thomas say, “This place is beautiful” today at Geiger Lookout Park.
Subway sandwiches.
The Internet.

February 15, 2012, Wednesday, I am grateful for:

Snow ball fight with Thomas.
Building a snowman with Thomas.
Natalie Gorden.
Daniel Svoboda.
Janet Storie.
Hugs from friends.
Laughter with friends.
eWomenNetwork Reno chapter.
Kymberlee Simantel.
Tina Haley.

February 16, 2012, Thursday, I am grateful for:

The support of friends.
My nice warm, comfy, cozy bed.
Lillian’s smile.
Thomas hugs.

February 17, 2012, Friday, I am grateful for:

Diana Michelotti.
Dr. Amanda Rammel.
My Daddy, Robert Downs.
A special lunch date with Thomas.
Thomas’ inquisitive mind.
Our house.
Our car.

February 18, 2012, Saturday, I am grateful for:

Time alone with Thomas.
My Mammaw Downs.
Sense of taste.
Adventures with Thomas.
Gas for our car.
The abundance of parks in our area.
Thomas’ excitement and pride in himself.
Movie night with Thomas.
My Jr. High friend Lillie Salsberry.
Friends and supporters who have pre-purchased SIXTEEN “D iz for Different” books.
