Inspiration for Words of Alchemy – An Interview with Kyrosmagica Publishing

April 12 2020

What a beautiful Easter gift to receive this morning! How did the title come about and how did it come to be that Thomas and Lillian are published authors too? Thank you Marje of Kyrosmagica Publishing for this incredibly thoughtful interview. xoxo

  • Where are you from and in which area of the world do you live now?

I have lived in Reno, Nevada, USA for the past 14 years, moving here from the Seattle, Washington area in 2006. I spent my first 18 years in Jackson, Mississippi and Houma, Louisiana.

  • Tell me about the inspiration/s for your new book “Words of Alchemy.”

About six years ago, I visited Fallen Leaf Lake in South Lake Tahoe, California. The beauty was quite overwhelming, bringing me to tears. As I drove home, I made several stops along Lake Tahoe, sitting to take it all in. While doing this, poetic words bubbled to the surface of my consciousness. This was the beginning of a six year journey of being inspired by nature with poetic words, then later, inspired by life events.

Here’s that first poem and a few photos from Fallen Leaf Lake and Lake Tahoe.

Earth Dance

As the sun’s rays dance upon you like stars twinkling in the night sky, so ……  Follow the link below to read further … 


Author Interview: Camilla Downs #Poet #Writer #WordsofAlchemy #Nature #Inspirational #Family